Don’t let your Senior Client’s
Life Insurance Policy turn into a PUMPKIN…

The following is the story of a Life Insurance policy
that didn’t turn into a pumpkin.

It’s a fact that all Life Insurance Settlements transactions have their own DNA…no two are alike. Here’s a recent case study that I would like to share with you.

The insured and policyholder is a self-employed 72-year-old Veterinarian who owned a Term Life insurance policy of $1.0 million dollars that was in its conversion period. Because he was well informed about what that meant, he was highly motivated to sell the policy knowing what would happen at the end of the conversion period. At 72 year old and still working, he had a few serious health issues that made his policy attractive to policy buyers… especially Term Life policies that are in their conversion period. For the one-million-dollar policy the Vet was offered $380,000. If he had not pursued a Life settlement, this policy would be cancelled, terminated and he would receive zero cash surrender value, not even a dime from the insurance carrier.

The point of this story is for Senior Advisors to inform and remind their senior clients who may own a Term Life policy to review their policy and not let the policy conversion period expire without them trying to sell their policy for a significant cash settlement aka…Found Money. The advisor should make a serious effort to not only contact all clients about their upcoming conversion period and to consider a Life Insurance Settlement during this time period, but also point point out to them what would happen if they didn't. In other words… don’t let your senior client’s convertible term life Insurance policy turn into a pumpkin.*

Should you have additional inquiry, I’m always available to answer your questions. Call me anytime on my mobile 505-702-3699.

*Footnote: The Pumpkin Coach was created by the Fairy Godmother in the story of Cinderella so she could attend the ball. However, Cinderella must be returned home by midnight, or her coach would turn into a pumpkin.

Kind regards,


Guiding Seniors to Peace of Mind
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